Jill Cooper - Senior Ecologist and Business Development Manager
Education & Certifications
Jill has over 15 years of experience in the environmental field, including a varied background in field biology, outdoor education, project management, outreach and science communication. Jill is a well-rounded ecologist with a strong knowledge of native plants, wildlife, wetlands, and shoreline ecology. Jill wears many hats at MSA, as a wetland and wildlife biologist, project manager, lead report writer for upland critical areas reports (including wetland reports, stream assessments, Habitat Management Plans, FEMA Habitat Assessments, Biological Evaluations, and mitigation & monitoring plans), and is a restoration and mitigation design specialist. Jill is also MSA’s Business Development Manager, leading the firm’s marketing efforts. In the field, Jill enjoys performing wetland delineations and ratings, stream typing, Ordinary High-Water Mark (OHWM) surveys, forage fish surveys, and is certified as a marbled murrelet monitor Jill has a passion for wildlife behavior and tracking, and was the third woman in the US to be certified as a Specialist Wildlife Tracker through Tracker Certification North America.
Email Jill: Jill@msaenvironmental.com