Sound Shellfish hired MSA to conduct a SCUBA habitat survey, assist with environmental permit applications for local, state, and federal agencies, and write a biological report for their geoduck and oyster cultivation project. The aquaculture project will occur over approximately 30,158 ft2 (0.69 acre) of intertidal area spanning approximately 635 ft east to west parallel to shore. Oyster will be planted from +3.5 ft MLLW to 0.0 ft MLLW (approx. 7,511 ft2) and geoduck will be planted from 0.0 to -4.3 ft MLLW (approx. 22,647 ft2). The project location is along a shoreline of statewide significance and within a fish and wildlife habitat conservation area (FWHCA) and a FEMA 100-year flood plain. Thus, the project required a Habitat Management Plan with a FEMA Habitat Assessment of impacts, an ecological and ESA No-Net-Loss evaluation, as well as permitting and/or consultation through the Army Corps of Engineers, the WA Department of Fish and Wildlife, the WA Department of Ecology, Mason County, the Washington Department of Health, and the Squaxin Tribe.